Analysis by Jason Muteham
Popularity is based on the number of babies named after royalty.
To compare names against the Office for National Statistics UK baby name dataset, alter the code in the cell below.
females = ["girl name","another girl"]
males = ["boy name","another boy name","another boy"]
Charts will be plotted using Bokeh, Matplotlib, Seaborn & Plotly
Using the ONS live birth data 1996-2021
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash
#Setup names for family.
females = ["Meghan","Catherine"]
males = ["Harry","William"]
family = females + males
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
from bokeh.plotting import figure, show
from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource
from bokeh.models import NumeralTickFormatter
from import output_notebook
import as px
import as pio
pio.renderers.default = "vscode+notebook"
import seaborn as sns
#Create some lists to select or reformat data later
count_cols = [] # "1996 Count", ... "2021 Count" ** Used to drop/rename columns
rank_cols = [] # "1996 Rank", ... "2021 Rank" ** Used to drop/rename columns
years = [] # "1996", ... "2021" ** Used to wrangle data and rename columns
colours = ["red","blue","yellow","orange","brown","cyan","black"] # for charts
for f in range(1996,2022):
count_cols.append(str(f) + ' Count')
rank_cols.append(str(f) + ' Rank')
#Import ONS data
df1 = pd.read_excel("babynames1996to2021.xlsx","1",skiprows =7) # Boys names in workbook 1
df2 = pd.read_excel( 'babynames1996to2021.xlsx',"2",skiprows =7) # Girls names in workbook 2
df1 = df1.set_index("Name")
df2 = df2.set_index("Name")
#Replace NaN with 0
df1 = df1.replace("[x]",0)
df2 = df2.replace("[x]",0)
#Filter names from ONS data
Girls = df2.loc[females]
Boys = df1.loc[males]
df_family = pd.concat([Girls, Boys], axis=0)
#Drop rank and count columns
df_family_counts = df_family.drop(columns=rank_cols)
df_family_ranks = df_family.drop(columns=count_cols)
#Rename columns "1996 Count" -> "1996" and "1996 Rank" -> "1996"
df_family_counts.columns = df_family_counts.columns.str.replace(" Count","")
df_family_ranks.columns = df_family_ranks.columns.str.replace(" Rank","")
#Pivot DFs so rows are date observations
df_family_counts = pd.pivot_table(df_family_counts, values = years, columns=["Name"]) = "Year"
df_family_counts = df_family_counts.reindex(columns=family)
df_family_ranks = pd.pivot_table(df_family_ranks, values = years, columns=["Name"]) = "Year"
df_family_ranks = df_family_ranks.reindex(columns=family)
#Display the rank table
Name | Meghan | Catherine | Harry | William |
Year | ||||
2021 | 1286 | 457 | 7 | 21 |
2020 | 710 | 416 | 8 | 20 |
2019 | 641 | 417 | 5 | 17 |
2018 | 431 | 419 | 3 | 14 |
2017 | 797 | 313 | 2 | 11 |
#Display the rank table
for name in family:
df_temp = df_family_ranks[name]
print(name + (' ' * (10 - len(name))) +' \t' + str(df_temp[df_temp <= 20].count()))
Meghan 0 Catherine 0 Harry 26 William 24
#Display the rank table
for name in family:
df_temp = df_family_ranks[name]
print(name + (' ' * (10 - len(name))) +' \t' + str(df_temp[df_temp <= 10].count()))
Meghan 0 Catherine 0 Harry 19 William 15
#Display the rank table
for name in family:
df_temp = df_family_ranks[name]
print(name + (' ' * (10 - len(name))) +' \t' + str(df_temp[df_temp == 1].count()))
Meghan 0 Catherine 0 Harry 2 William 0
#Display the rank table
df_fs = pd.pivot_table(df_family_ranks,columns="Year")
df_fs = df_fs.unstack()
df_fs = df_fs.reset_index()
df_top_rank = pd.DataFrame()
df_low_rank = pd.DataFrame()
for name in family:
df_tmp = df_fs[df_fs["Name"]==name]
df_tmphigh = (df_tmp[df_tmp["Rank"].min()==df_tmp["Rank"]])
df_tmplow = (df_tmp[df_tmp["Rank"].max()==df_tmp["Rank"]])
df_top_rank = pd.concat([df_top_rank,df_tmphigh])
df_low_rank = pd.concat([df_low_rank,df_tmplow])
df_top_rank = df_top_rank.reindex(columns=["Name","Year","Rank"])
df_top_rank = df_top_rank.set_index("Name")
df_top_rank.sort_values(by=["Rank","Year"],ascending = [True,False])
Year | Rank | |
Name | ||
Harry | 2012 | 1 |
Harry | 2011 | 1 |
William | 2010 | 7 |
William | 2006 | 7 |
Catherine | 1996 | 68 |
Meghan | 1998 | 237 |
df_low_rank = df_low_rank.reindex(columns=["Name","Year","Rank"])
df_low_rank = df_low_rank.set_index("Name")
Year | Rank | |
Name | ||
Harry | 1996 | 17 |
Harry | 1997 | 17 |
William | 1996 | 21 |
William | 2021 | 21 |
Catherine | 2021 | 457 |
Meghan | 2021 | 1286 |
Name | Meghan | Catherine | Harry | William |
Year | ||||
2021 | 25 | 95 | 3089 | 2093 |
2020 | 52 | 102 | 3209 | 2215 |
2019 | 61 | 101 | 3823 | 2667 |
2018 | 101 | 104 | 4512 | 3015 |
2017 | 49 | 155 | 5031 | 3437 |
#Create totals DF
df1_totals = df1.drop(columns=rank_cols).sum()
df2_totals = df2.drop(columns=rank_cols).sum()
df1_totals = df1_totals.reset_index()
df2_totals = df2_totals.reset_index()
df_totals = pd.concat([df1_totals, df2_totals], axis=0)
df_totals = df_totals.replace(count_cols,years)
df_totals = df_totals.groupby("Years").sum()
#Calculate accumulative percentage change
df_family_diff = pd.DataFrame(df_family_counts,copy=True)
temp_col = [] # Build a list of temp columns to drop later
for name in family:
# df_family_diff[name + " Diff"] = df_family_diff[name].diff()
# temp_col.append(name + " Diff")
df_family_diff[name + " %"] = df_family_diff[name].pct_change()
df_family_diff = df_family_diff.fillna(0)
for name in family:
df_family_diff[name + " %"] = df_family_diff[name + " %"].cumsum()
# Drop the columns not required for plotting
temp_col += family
df_family_diff = df_family_diff.drop(columns=temp_col)
#Chart dimensions
chart_w = 1080
chart_h = 545
source = ColumnDataSource(df_totals)
p = figure(title="Total UK baby names", x_axis_label="Year", y_axis_label="Babies", x_range=years,width=chart_w, height=chart_h)
p.line(source=source, x="Years",y="Total")
# create a new plot with a title and axis labels
source = ColumnDataSource(df_family_counts)
p = figure(title="UK baby count for selected names", x_axis_label="", y_axis_label="Babies",x_range=years, width=chart_w, height=chart_h)
for index,name in enumerate(family):
p.line(x = "Year", y = name, legend_label=name, line_color=colours[index],line_width=2,source=source)
# create a new plot with a title and axis labels
source = ColumnDataSource(df_family_ranks)
p = figure(title="UK baby name rankings", x_axis_label="Year",y_range=(1500,1), y_axis_label="Name UK rank",x_range=years, width=chart_w, height=chart_h)
for index,name in enumerate(family):
p.line(x = "Year", y = name, legend_label=name, line_color=colours[index],line_width=2,source=source)
# create a new plot with a title and axis labels
source = ColumnDataSource(df_family_diff)
p = figure(title="Name Popularity % Change", x_axis_label="Year", y_axis_label="%",x_range=years, width=chart_w, height=chart_h)
for index,name in enumerate(family):
p.line(x = "Year", y = (name + " %"), legend_label=name, line_color=colours[index],line_width=2,source=source)
df_totals.plot(kind="line",title="Total UK baby names",figsize=(15,6),grid=True)
df_family_counts.plot(title="UK baby count for selected names",figsize=(15,6),grid=True)
<AxesSubplot: title={'center': 'UK baby count for selected names'}, xlabel='Year'>
df_family_ranks.plot(title="UK baby name rankings",figsize=(15,6),grid=True)
(1500.0, 1.0)
df_family_diff.plot(title="Name Popularity % Change",figsize=(15,6),grid=True)
<AxesSubplot: title={'center': 'Name Popularity % Change'}, xlabel='Year'>
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 6))
sns.lineplot(df_totals).set(title="Total UK baby names")
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 6))
sns.lineplot(df_family_counts).set(title="UK baby count for selected names")
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15,6))
sns.lineplot(df_family_ranks).set(title="UK baby rank for selected names")
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15,6))
sns.lineplot(df_family_diff).set(title="Name Popularity % Change")
px.line(df_totals, title = "Total UK baby names")
px.line(df_family_counts, title="UK baby count for selected names")
fig = px.line(df_family_ranks, title="UK baby rank for selected names")
px.line(df_family_diff, title="Name Popularity % Change")
Harry and William are popular royal names rarely out of the top 20. Harry is the only name to have reached the top spot, not once but twice. William on the other hand has only reached number 7 and is currently out of the top 20 at position 21.
Catherine and Meghan are not popular names, they have never been in the top 20. Both Catherine amd Meghan have been in slow decline since the late 90's. Catherine received a small increase during the year of her royal wedding. Meghan had a sharp increase during the year of her royal wedding.
2021 see all royal names at their lowest rankings, with the exception of Harry who still has a top 10 position at number 7.
The obvious limitation is that of alternative name spelling and aliases. Meghan has many different spellings in the ONS dataset (Megan, Meggan, Megann, etc). Catherine is also commonly know as Kate. The code currently doesn't allow for these aliases.
From the start the code was designed to be parameter driven and to avoid any hardcoding, this would allow the codebase to be reused for similar name analysis. Adding parameters to allow for alias checking is a level of complexity that maybe added in the future.